Repair Services
How We View Repairs
We pride ourselves in maintaining as much originality to our repairs as possible. To accomplish "like-new" condition, we'll take the extra time to find what we need, even if it means finding the same instrument halfway around the world to use for spare parts. We've even been known to take the time to find period correct cases to remain as historically accurate as possible. If we simply cannot find an original, we've been known to occasionally make an exact replica of the ourselves. Simply said, we see our products as pieces of art AND pieces of history. Our part, is to preserve as much of that original creation as possible.
General Rules
For a number of reasons, there are many foreign brands we simply do work on.
Generally speaking, we do not work on any type of keyboard instruments.
Electronics fall outside of our jurisdiction.
Accessory repairs tend to exceed the cost of the item, so we do little to no accessory repairs.
Please Note: at the current time we must limit repairs to instruments we have sold or schools or teachers that we normally do repairs for.

Wichita Band Services
Services Offered:
Dent Work
Remove stuck mouthpieces & swabs
silver solder, key rebuilds, etc.
Replacement parts:
pads, corks, keys, etc.
Seal seams, for example on a flute
Crack repair
Precision alignment of rotors & valves
Limited re-lacquering
Services Not Offered:
Valve re-builds
Re-boring instruments
Undercutting tone-holes
Mouthpiece refacing or drilling
Wichita Violin Services
Services Offered:
Glue open seams
crack repairs to top, side, bottom
Broken neck or loose neck
New bridge - including feet, shaping, etc. (from blanks)
Redo pegs
Measure string gauge
Services Not Offered:
Bow re-hairs

E. M. Shorts Guitars Services
Services Offered:
Adjust truss rod and action
Intonate - for electric instruments
Finish repairs - case by case basis only
Raise or lower saddle
Measure for gauge of string
Services Not Offered:
Neck re-sets
No electronics - may send to manufacturer or refer to other certified dealers
We do not make new bridges