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  • Made from rosewood (palisander)
  • Baroque fingering
  • Double toneholes
  • Includes a case, cleaning rod and -cloth, certificate, fingering chart, maintenance set

Moeck “Rottenburgh” recorders were originally designed by Boston flute-maker Friederich von Huene after instruments made by the Dutch master Jean Joseph Rottenburgh (1672-1765).

The workmanship is generally quite good, but we do polish bores and check each recorder for intonation before it leaves our Wichita workshop.

The tuning is excellent over the entire range of the instrument and we find there to be little wonder that the Moeck Rottenburgh is by far the most popular make of any recorder sold by us.

And yes, we've sold them since the late 1960's.

We also find it interesting that the quality of these superb instruments is actually better today than it was in the past. The attention to detail in the turning of the wood is superb, with no “issues” associated with quality of materials.

Intonation is another issue that’s improved. Today’s Moeck recorders are tuned to A = 442 pitch, a little higher than in past years. It’s no longer necessary for you to get red in the face and insist that the alto player who’s using a plastic instrument pull the headjoint out to match your pitch. Intonation arguments are now a thing of the past.

Top recommendation on these superb German recorders. And due to the strength of the US dollar, they're actually cheaper than they were a year ago....

Questions about recorders? Write me! I've played alto recorder and baroque flute for more than five decades and can give you advice about almost anything. I played recorder and flute with the "Oakland Avenue Baroque Ensemble" for more than a decade, performed every trio-sonata known to mankind. Or so it seemed. Not a pro-group, of course....enthusiastic amateurs!


New Moeck Rottenburgh Model 4405 Tenor Recorder - Palisander (Rosewood) w/ Case


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